A NSW Government website

Asbestos Management

Discussion Paper

The purpose of the Discussion Paper (Paper) is to present the preliminary research from Office of the Chief Scientist & Engineer (OCSE), and to seek information from stakeholders to inform the final Review.

The Paper sets out the background information on asbestos and its management in waste and soil, including:

  • a snapshot of national and international standards and guidelines for asbestos threshold levels in an environmental context
  • initial findings from a review of existing asbestos sampling and analytical methodologies.

Through the Paper's release, OCSE seeks feedback from stakeholders and experts in the field for each of the TOR items.

To facilitate consultation, questions are posed in the Paper seeking input and feedback which will help inform outputs from the final Review.

Discussion Paper


Stakeholders are invited to make submissions in response to questions raised in the Discussion Paper. Submissions should be made using the provided Discussion Paper Response Template at the link below by the close of business 31 July 2024.

Submissions received after 31 July will not be considered.

Discussion Paper Response Template - Management of asbestos in recovered fines and recovered materials for beneficial reuse in NSW


All other responses to the discussion paper questions and submissions on the review should be sent to:
