A NSW Government website

Independent Reports

Silica Monitor Technical Advice

In February 2024, the Hon Sophie Cotsis MP, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Work Health and Safety, requested the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer provide independent scientific and technical advice and guidance to SafeWork NSW in relation to the efficacy of a real-time silica monitor, the Trolex Air XS.

The Trolex Air XS Silica Monitor (the Monitor) is designed to detect and distinguish respirable crystalline silica in real-time in industrial environments. Technical and expert advice is sought by SafeWork NSW on the efficacy of the Monitor through a desktop review.

The desktop review will be delivered by suitable independent experts. OCSE will work with SafeWork NSW on expert engagement, desktop review work scoping and delivery. The scope of the advice can be found in the Terms of Reference.

Terms of Reference

Silica Monitor Technical Advice Terms of Reference

A summary document of the expert advice reports will be published on OCSE website.