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Chief Scientist & Engineer releases final report from Independent CSG Review

The Chief Scientist & Engineer has released the final report from her 19-month independent review of coal seam gas activities in New South Wales.

The report presents the findings of Professor Mary O'Kane's independent Review, as well as 16 recommendations to Government.

Overall, the Review found many of the technical challenges and risks posed by the CSG industry can in general be managed through careful designation of areas appropriate for CSG extraction; high standards of engineering and professionalism in CSG companies; creation of a State Whole-of Environment Data Repository; comprehensive monitoring of CSG operations with ongoing scrutiny of collected data, a well-trained and certified workforce; and applying new technologies as they become available.

However, Professor O'Kane said there is still much for Government to do.

"Implementing the recommendations of the Review involves non-trivial tasks," she said.

In concluding her Review, Professor O'Kane has today also released reports on regulatory compliance and managing risk, along with information papers on fracture stimulation, setbacks/interface and abandoned wells

All reports from the Independent Review of Coal Seam Gas Activities in New South Wales are available at www.chiefscientist.nsw.gov.au/reports