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It's National ICT Careers Week

( Sourced from http://www.ictcareersweek.info/index.cfm?page=info ) 

Each year during National ICT Careers Week, organisations and groups across Australia present an activity or event to encourage young people to consider studying ICT after their schooling and to consider a career in ICT.

From its beginnings in 2008, the National ICT Careers Week has become a nationally established concept and brand:

  • over 350 organisations have participated in the four years of its existence
  • ministers of Federal, state and territory, governments have participated
  • discernable key industry executives are aware of the Career Week
  • considerable media coverage

When is the National ICT Careers Week?

From Monday 27th July to Sunday 2nd August 2015

What organisations are active in National ICT Careers Week?

Many federal and state government agencies, TAFEs, universities, women in IT groups, ICT professional and employee bodies, ICT associations and ICT companies participate in National ICT Careers Week.

Why encourage young people into ICT?

ICT: Start Here Go Anywhere

Studying computing and communications is the start to a rewarding, interesting and social career anywhere in the world.

Why study computing and communications?

It is definitely an exciting time to get involved in computing and communications. If you are using Facebook, Twitter, an iPhone or the Internet, then you are using ICT. No matter where you are or what you are doing, ICT underpins everything you do in today's digital world.

ICT careers are dynamic and fast moving, offering incredible opportunities for students to make a start in building their careers.

ICT study after school can be interesting and engaging. You learn more than just technology - ICT courses develop your skills such as communicating with clients, exercising diplomacy, operating as part of a team, and developing effective management skills.

Is there a LinkedIn group for National ICT Careers Week?

There is and it is called "National ICT Careers Week". Various information will be posted from time to time on the Linkedin page - please join the Group. However, we are interested in seeing news about the events and activities being conducted by people and organisations participating in this year's National ICT Careers Week.

What are the reasons young people should study ICT as a career?

1. ICT is about working with people, solving problems, finding solutions and making a difference to peoples' lives

ICT is not just about technology - it's about coming up with solutions to solve problems or to help people, businesses, communities and governments.

Imagine where ICT can make a difference to reduce global warming. You can help develop ICT solutions to reduce industrial emissions of greenhouse gases, design and develop alternative energy sources, introduce more efficient systems and technologies to manage energy use, establish and run countries' greenhouse gas emission trading schemes, and drive many vital climate change initiatives into the future.

Developing ICT solutions means working with people to find a solution. This work can be challenging, but it is also creative, innovative, fast paced, stimulating, and offers a lot of fun and excitement along the way.

2. ICT is a truly global career - your work in ICT can take you around the world

Working in ICT means you will have a rewarding and truly global career. ICT jobs can be found all over the world, both with international companies and with Australian companies trading globally. People with Australian ICT qualifications are well regarded by overseas employers and can easily find employment.

Working overseas is a great way to travel, meet people, sample new cultures, experience different lifestyles and get paid for it. It can also boost your career when you return to Australia. Many Australian ICT employers like to hire people with overseas work experience because they demonstrate initiative, drive and versatility and often bring important new skills and ideas to their roles.

3. ICT offers cool jobs, earning great money with a great lifestyle

ICT is one of the most rapidly growing career pathways available. ICT jobs give you:

  • an opportunity to combine your interests with your job
  • a career that puts you in demand across a dynamic industry where retraining is easy
  • good prospects for promotion
  • job flexibility: work at home, in the office, part-time, casual, full time
  • and, of course, excellent salaries!

4. ICT creates opportunities for entertainment

ICT is not just computers, keyboards and printers. ICT is mobile phones, tablets and email, the Internet, YouTube, Facebook, iPods, Twitter, interactive games, online shopping, social networking. And just think all of the new things that ICT will introduce into our lives in the future - the potential is unlimited!

Entertainment technologies have spawned the creation of many new occupations for creative students with computer skills. You can join the world of entertainment with ICT qualifications - you never know what you might invent or who you will connect with.

What about some Information on ICT study and careers?

We have some testimonials from people studying and working in ICT.
Key individuals from industry and from the ranks of young people contribute their careers and testimonials to improve the appreciation by young people of the opportunities presented by ICT studies and careers.

If you are enjoying a great ICT career, tell us about it. Your story might be published as a testimonial and inspire others.

Useful links about computing and communications study

Types of activities

Each of the organisations participating in National ICT Careers Week decides the activity or event that its people wish to present to interested students, teachers, careers advisors, parents, siblings and friends. For example, some organisations demonstrate cutting-edge technology in areas ranging from climate change solutions, state-of-the-art security applications, space technologies, medical robotics and artificial intelligence to animation, entertainment and fashion.

Who organises the National ICT Careers Week?

The National ICT Careers Week has been managed by a group of dedicated volunteers from interested associations including:

  • Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA)
  • Australian Computer Society (ACS)
  • Australian Computer Society Foundation (ACSF)
  • AGIMO, Department of Finance (AGIMO)
  • Australian Council of Deans of Information and Communications Technology (ACDICT)
  • TAFE Directors' Association (TDA)

Contact for more information and assistance

Please contact the National ICT Steering Committee representatives: