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New South Wales celebrates National Science Week

Learn about the Big Bang and black holes at the Innovation Campus in Wollongong; get involved in genome gazing at the Garvan Institute in Sydney; observe the night sky at “Astronomy in the Park” in Centennial Parklands; or hear about the “Science of Sound” in the Northern Rivers.

These are some of the many events planned for New South Wales during National Science Week, to be launched by NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer, Professor Mary O’Kane, at the Museum of Arts and Applied Science (MAAS) this evening (Thursday 11 August 2016).

Now in its 20th year, National Science Week provides a chance for the community to meet and learn from scientists, mathematicians and engineers from across Australia and around the world.

The annual celebration of science and technology runs from Saturday 13 August to Sunday 21 August 2016.

"National Science Week inspires people of all ages about the endless possibilities of science.” Professor O’Kane said.

The activities and events aim to encourage an interest in science amongst the general public, particularly young people, and highlight the state’s strengths in science, engineering, research and development.

Across NSW there are hundreds of events on offer, including science festivals in the Sapphire Coast, in the Riverina and in the Hunter. Many of the events being held in rural and regional communities in NSW will be hosted by the NSW Regional Science Hubs – jointly funded by the Federal and State Governments under the Inspiring Australia strategy.

“The events being held over the next week showcase how useful science can be in our everyday lives. Hopefully younger Australians will be inspired to consider science-based careers,” Professor O’Kane said.