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NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer launches new version of data repository for human communications

The University of Western Sydney and Macquarie University, in a partnership of 16 universities and other research institutions, have developed a data repository and workspace to support research in human communication science.

It provides on-line access to a wide range of previously disparate data sets from different disciplines, including speech, texts, music, and video. It also provides specialised tools for searching, analysing and annotating that data. It already contains a wide range of data, and more will be added over time.

Professor O'Kane launched Alveo V3.0 on 1 July 2014, and Professor Barney Glover, Vice-Chancellor University of Western Sydney (UWS) launched the next phase of implementation to encourage uptake of the platform. This next phase is being hosted by UWS with funding and in-kind support from the 16 collaborating partners

This data repository model provides an example that can be applied in other fields.

A video explaining how Alveo V3.0 works and what it can be used for is available at www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgSeyMEdCsc

Alveo is accessible online for researchers to use at http://alveo.edu.au