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NSW Government signs historic agreement with prestigious Japanese research institute

The State Government has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Japan's National Institute of Materials Science to allow greater collaboration between NSW universities and the prestigious research institute.

NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Tertiary Education and Skills, The Hon. Catherine Cusack MLC, welcomed the esteemed NIMS' President, Professor Sukekatsu Ushioda, to Macquarie Street to sign the MoU.

NIMS is a major science institute dedicated to materials research with strong emphasis on the synthesis, characterisation and applications of metals, semiconductors, superconductors, ceramics, and organic materials in their bulk and nanoscaled forms.

The applications of NIMS research cover a wide range including electronics, optics, coatings, fuel cells, catalysts, and biotechnologies.

"NIMS is arguably the leading institution for materials science in the world", Ms Cusack said.

"This historic agreement will provide valuable access to NIMS programs and personnel by all NSW universities and other research bodies here in NSW, strengthening and promoting institutional exchange of scientific and technical information".

NSW is strong in materials science with an ARC Centre of Excellence in Electromaterials Science headquartered at the University of Wollongong, several nodes of the Australian National Fabrication Facility based in Sydney and regional NSW and the CSIRO Division Materials Science and Engineering at Ryde.

NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer, Professor Mary O'Kane, said the MoU is a win for research institutes in NSW with expertise in materials science who will be able to collaborate with this very high ranking internationally recognised science institute.

"The collaborative opportunities researchers will gain from this agreement will be of enormous value to our research institutes and high tech industries and we trust will be equally beneficial to our partners at NIMS", Professor O'Kane said.

The agreement will allow NSW researchers to visit NIMS; provide greater opportunity to organise symposia, conferences and workshops; and encourage joint research activities between NIMS and NSW researchers.

Pictured above right (L-R): Ms Carrie Waring, Office of the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer; Professor Mark Hoffman, Pro Vice-Chancellor Research, University of New South Wales; The Hon. Catherine Cusack MLC; Professor Sukekatsu Ushioda, President of the National Institute for Materials Science, Japan; Mr Masato Takaoka, Consul-General of Japan.