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NSW researchers receive $27 million boost from ARC Linkage Grants

Dozens of New South Wales research initiatives will receive almost $27 million in funding under the Australian Research Council's Linkage Grant Program.

The Australian Research Council (ARC) will invest a total of $101,809,345 in 306 new research projects nationwide in 2013, while partner organisations will contribute $193,807,869.

More than $26,851,500 – about 26% of the total funding – will be invested by the ARC in 84 NSW-based initiatives. 

The Linkage Program funds collaborative projects between university researchers and industries, communities and governments.

It aims to encourage strategic long-term research alliances between higher education institutions and community, private and public sector organisation – to apply advanced knowledge to problems, to reap national cultural, economic and social benefits.

NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer, Professor Mary O'Kane, said the state had some wonderful research projects in train.

"This Commonwealth funding, which must be at least matched by the partner organisations, has the potential to drive some great research outcomes across an array of fields," Professor O'Kane said.

"Almost $27 million will be spread across 84 projects being undertaken by researchers at 11 NSW universities.

"They're doing some wonderfully inspiring work, including developing a new wrist-worn monitor for remote care of patients with a chronic disease; trying to understand and prevent anxiety and depression in girls; and predicting the ecologic risk of salty water produced from coal and coal seam gas.

"I congratulate each project on their successful funding application and wish them the very best for their future research," she said.

A number of NSW Government departments and agencies have embraced the initiative, contributing funding to relevant research projects – including the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, NSW Office of Water, Fire and Rescue NSW, Hunter New England Local Health District, and the NSW Ministry of Health.

For details of individual projects click here

Linking Projects 2013 funding outcomes by organisation:

  • Australian Catholic University (1 project)                      $560,984
  • Charles Sturt University (2)                                         $330,203
  • Macquarie University (10)                                            $2,462,815
  • Southern Cross University (1)                                      $354,746
  • The University of New England (1)                                $344,500
  • The University of NSW (35)                                          $13,197,868
  • The University of Newcastle (6)                                     $1,797,778
  • The University of Sydney (14)                                       $4,366,801
  • University of Technology Sydney (4)                             $730,192
  • University of Western Sydney (4)                                 $690,828
  • University of Wollongong (6)                                        $2,014,855