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Transforming research into solutions: The $500million initiative to tackle obesity

One of Australia's preeminent scientists is spearheading a bold $500-million initiative to tackle the obesity epidemic. 

Professor Stephen Simpson says the finishing touches are being put to the state-of-the-art Charles Perkins Centre at Sydney University, which will lead the search for innovative new ways to fight diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other metabolic disease. 

Close to 1000 scientists and researchers from a vast array of backgrounds will be housed in the new 50,000sq/m building - putting their heads together to come up with a solution to the critical health issue.

Indigenous health will be one of the centre's major focuses. 

"Obesity is a complex topic," Professor Simpson, the Charles Perkins Centre's Academic Director, said. 

"Most other worldwide initiatives have narrowed their research to the level of genes, cells and organs. Although these are important factors, obesity related diseases are much more complicated than biology. 

"We need to improve our understanding of the impact of these factors, and ease the burden of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease by transforming research into solutions.

"The Charles Perkins Centre is challenging. It thinks differently. It takes a broader view and ultimately will have an impact," he said.

Professor Simpson - the guest speaker at this morning's Science & Research Breakfast Seminar hosted by NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer Professor Mary O'Kane - said the centre's research will encompass many areas, including nutrition, physical activity, the politics, governance and ethics of chronic disease, and sustainability. 


For more information about Professor Steve Simpson, click here

For more information on the Charles Perkins Centre at Sydney University, click here